Emiliy's Mission Addresses



Hermana Emily Hooke
Argentina Salta Mission
Casilla de Correo 429
4400 Salta

POUCH MAIL [only post card or one sheet of stationery--folded into 3 sections and taped shut, no enclosures, affix normal US postage]
Hermana Emily Hooke
Argentina Salta Mission
PO Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

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Emily Hooke
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Monday, March 2, 2015

Demasiados Milagros Para Contar! En Serio. [Too Many Miracles to Count! Seriously.]

This week was seriously so full of miracles! First of all, I am a big fan of my companion and we are working really hard together. Second, we are helping not just individuals but families. Celeste and Laura both got baptized this week and Carlos (Laura's brother who got baptized 3 weeks ago) was able to baptize them both. (He wants to go on a mission too!) Their parents all came to the baptism and loved it, there was a really special spirit in the service. And on Sunday Oscar (Laura and Carlos' dad) came to church for the first time! He really liked it. In her confirmation, our district President (like stake president but for branches instead of wards) blessed Laura to be able to go on a mission! These 2 families are so wonderful, and our goal is to get them both sealed in the temple! We are working with quite a few families where some are members and some are not and it is so amazing to help whole families progress. This Saturday Julian ( the 10 yr old son of a recent convert of the elders) will get baptized! His brother, mom, and grandma are all members.

Eating Cake for Hna Tate's Birthday

Rojas Family

Another miracle, we found maní untable (peanut butter) in Chango Mas (it's like Argentine Wal-Mart. For reals, its owned by Wal-Mart.). I ate almost a whole jar since Friday...also we made no bake cookies for the baptism and everyone loved them! Another miracle, I ate cow underbelly and didn't die, or even get sick.
It's really neat to have the opportunity to be a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ. People come to trust us in a very short amount of time not just for our name tag, but for our spiritual name tag, which is the fruits of the Spirit. I liked that, Hna Chaparro [Mission President's wife] said that. And every single worthy member who has the gift of the Holy Ghost also has this! People notice your examples.
A lady we were talking with this week said something that I really liked too. She said that nobody can give peace to another person. Perhaps they can give comfort, but only God can give peace. That is true! Even with all the ups and downs of the mission, I have never felt such a constant and deep peace. The Church is true, the Book of Mormon is true, the gospel blesses families, and God is a God of miracles!
Love you all!
Hermana Hooke

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