Emiliy's Mission Addresses



Hermana Emily Hooke
Argentina Salta Mission
Casilla de Correo 429
4400 Salta

POUCH MAIL [only post card or one sheet of stationery--folded into 3 sections and taped shut, no enclosures, affix normal US postage]
Hermana Emily Hooke
Argentina Salta Mission
PO Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

Online letters--free (delivered as pouch mail)
click "select mission:" Argentina Salta
click "write letter"
type your name and return address
click "select title:" Sister
Emily Hooke
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Monday, August 10, 2015

I'm Staying in Metán! :)

Yep we had transfers and Hermana Ostler and I are both staying here! Hermana Christensen went north basically to Bolivia and it will be sad not having her around. Hermana Quicenos new comp is a mini missionary from Orán. 
She received her birthday package!!

A fellow missionary made her this "Emily Piñata" for her birthday
Oscar Eduardo & family members
Oscar Eduardo
Oscar Eduardo's baptism
Eating meatballs and studying:)

Emily loves "Taco Thursdays"
Emily's Zone (Zona Tucumán)
Las Hermanas de Zona Tucumán
Ruiz Family
Emily's buddy Ricardo:)
Well I basically sent this week in pictures so I don't know what else interesting to write...Oscar Eduardo got baptized and confirmed and after his confirmation he even shared his testimony! It was so great. Its always such a happy feeling to be a part of the process of helping someone be converted to our Savior Jesus Christ.

I got to give the Principios del Evangelio lesson in church and it was about charity, and I probably learned more than my students, haha. Something I really liked is the scripture in Matthew 5:44-45: ¨But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.¨
Basically, God loves all his children - even the rebellious ones, even the misbehaved ones, even the ones who don't believe He exists. Every person will receive blessings and trials in their lives regardless, just because He loves us. And if we as His children want to be similar to Him, we too must love everyone, even when it's difficult, and even when they don't love us back. We can let our good works shine on the evil and the good and rain our love on the just and on the unjust. It is not easy but it is something we can improve on every day as we follow the example of Jesus Christ. David O. McKay, one of the presidents of the church, said ¨Nobody can sincerely decide to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ to their daily life and not note a change in their nature.¨ Well I liked it better in Spanish, but it's still true! I invite you to study the attributes of Jesus Christ, our perfect example in everything, and try to put them in practice. And I promise you that you will see a change for better in your very nature. That is the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ, that we can all be a little bit better today than we were yesterday. 

Well love you all bunches, hope you have a splendid week and remember how much our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ love you!! 
Con amor, 
Hermana Hooke :)

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