Surprise, today is P-Day!
was SSOOOOO wonderful to see you all on Christmas, even though you had
to get up dark and early in the morning! I was so happy that EVERYONE
was there!
Thank you
everyone for the letters and stuff, I went to the mission office today
and got bombarded with letters! It was a very happy moment!
this week we were able to see more milagros! We had been praying that
we could find more less-active members in our area to teach because this neighborhood didn't exist a few years ago so if anyone who was already
less-active moved here, no one would know, and there's no directory or
anything anyways. But just this week a lady in another area told us that
she has a son who lives in Huaico who is less active and that she
wants us to go visit him! Also this week we taught the dad in a family
that is less active for the first time and he has desires to return to
church and go to the temple with his family! 2 Nefi 27:23 - "Porque he
aqui, yo soy Dios, y soy un Dios de milagros, y manifestare al mundo que
soy el mismo ayer, hoy, y para siempre, y no obro entre los hijos de
los hombres sino de conformidad con su fe." ["For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith."]

I love you all very much! Always read the Book of Mormon, it is 100 percent true!!
Hermana Hooke
[I also wanted to share something Emily sent to me that I thought all would enjoy. She wrote: "I just wanted to share with you a nice comment I read inside a bubble gum
wrapper.-.. Mom you are like a beautiful bright twinkling star......3
billion years old. hahaha Sorry I couldn't wait for your birthday to tell
you that. I don't actually think you are that old I just thought it was
funny. :)" ]
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All wearing the same earrings! |
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With the Tarifa Family on Christmas Eve |