Hope all is well in Ventura/San Clemente/Boise/Ohio/Utah/anywhere else you might be reading this!
have a different companion for a few days, her name is Hermana Bitton,
our companions went to do visa stuff in San Miguel. She started the
mission in a pueblo called Simoca that is in our zone here in
Concepción, so today we went there so she could see her old friends! And
we had lunch with a marvelous almost-member Rosa (she is waiting for the
divorce from her ex-husband so she can get married officially to her current husband and be baptized) [happens a lot in South America!]. In Simoca, it
is very tranquilo (peaceful) and the people are very nice.
This week we
found a lot of new investigators, and a 17-yr-old member Daiana (who wasn't active but now is active just because we visited her one time) is
helping us a lot by accompanying us and encouraging her family to listen
to us.
Silvia (our investigator whose 7 kids are members) was
going to get baptized this week but she got sick and wasn't able to go to
church. We were waiting for several investigators at church yesterday
and no one showed up and it just hurt my heart! And it made me realize
how much it must hurt Heavenly Father when we don't do the things we know
we should! But we have at least 1 more week to work and help our
investigators and recent converts here to keep their commitments. I have no
idea what will happen next week when it's transfer time again...I hope to finish my last transfer (6 weeks) here
in Concepción, but we will see what God's plan is for me!
Well I love you all lots!
Hermana Hooke :)
PS if you want to know the explanation for the subject line, look up Acts 20:7-9. :)
prayers for Silvia! Good luck with your last transfer! You're doing great!