Emiliy's Mission Addresses



Hermana Emily Hooke
Argentina Salta Mission
Casilla de Correo 429
4400 Salta

POUCH MAIL [only post card or one sheet of stationery--folded into 3 sections and taped shut, no enclosures, affix normal US postage]
Hermana Emily Hooke
Argentina Salta Mission
PO Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

Online letters--free (delivered as pouch mail)
click "select mission:" Argentina Salta
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Emily Hooke
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Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!


I actually forgot about that American holiday until an American elder wore a turkey tie to church yesterday, haha.

I hope you are all doing well and counting your many blessings! This week we have had so many here in Concepción! I think that when we work hard and keep the commandments we receive a fair share of blessings for our efforts, because God is just, but every once in a while we receive like a holiday bonus, because God is merciful. This week we definitely received more than our share of blessings!
Hermano Pallares attended church for the 3rd time yesterday, and he will be getting baptized this Saturday! His granddaughter attended with him too, for the first time!
We are receiving specific revelation for our investigators and helping them to progress!
We found a new family (Luna family) of a mom, a dad, and 6 kids this week, and 2 of the older daughters went to church yesterday! 
We had a zone conference with President Chaparro and we ate TACOS! (well Argentine style tacos)

We are working with a lot of people and families who have a lot of potential and our hopes are high that with the help of heaven we can help them all to progress.
I invite you all to think of all the blessings that God has given you this week, and it will surprise you what He has done! I love you all very much!
Con amor,
Hermana Hooke :)

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